
Tantas Ilusiones Convertidas en Canciones

Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul. -Wassily Kandinsky

2 of Kandinsky's Compositions: VI (above) & VII (below).
He called his paintings 'compositions' when they were elaborately planned & 'improvisations' when they were spontaneous. Nonetheless, he painted VII in 3 days (well, after the planning was finished)!

The Russian-born painter also happened to be a theorist. He was quite spiritual in nature & heavily influenced by theosophy, an old religious philosophy (that, incidentally, also inspired Ghandi in some way or another). Best of all, though, he was a music-color synesthete! Explains why music was always so intricately tied to his art - he'd try to "plunge into the depths of his soul" & paint what music made him feel, the purely phenomenological - well, his. He felt some inner necessity to express his emotional perceptions - was this partly a consequence of his synesthetic experiences? Anyway, his Compositions are an attempt, through art, to convey the same emotional powers as a musical composition. I've said too much. Ruins the moment. Back to the books it is...


Anonymous said...

Vaya profundidad eres oficialmente una filosofa de la vida...Antes lo pensaba ahora lo creo!

Anonymous said...

argentinos, filósofos de la vida, JAAja. bue, los genes tiran - y no por culpa mía...

ah, y no te podés hacer la anónima conmigo SAPA. me tenés abandonada, dejá de estudiar y haceme un poco de compañía q nananaaa es muy poco de amor solo una vez por semanaaaa

Jerry said...

now that's some writing.
i think i've become a synesthete, too--when i read your lines, i see colors...
good luck for the showdown.