
Overworked & Underpaid

Observation leads me to the proposal of several axioms, all concerning the physical state of Myself & Surroundings while on school break (as distinct from vacation):

1. There will undoubtedly be 2 piles of clothes on the floor - one clean, one dirty. The use of drawers is altogether abandoned.
2. Daily attire will consist entirely of pajamas.
3. Cooking becomes perpetual until any & all edible ingredients are depleted. Getting to the supermarket becomes troublesome & thus quickly discarded as overrated.
4. "Flor's iPOD" goes from "enjoyable commodity" to "psychological necessity" - & condition of musiquitis worsens, producing further alienation from the external world.
5. All ringers are turned off, e-mails are left unread, & phone messages remain unchecked.
6. IQ boosts to unprecedented value, as Wikipedia is explored constantly & methodically.
7. Absolutely no other effort will be made to think, though certain senses will be exploited, most notably those of the aural & gustatory modalities.
8. There will be constant sighs of relaxation & just plain, utter delight.

On a more productive note, Owen has passed along an article that was recently printed in The Wall Street Journal & which has inspired me to pursue a new career. Argentina Answers to the Crazy Call Of Dr.Tangalanga.

Anyways, not going home for the holidays :-\ but will be well accompanied throughout the break. It's the Angel Youth Hostel - hoppin' & boppin' - so book now (!) while beds are still available. I get to be a tourist, finally & - oh! - I promise to post pics very soon, as I now have a digital camera with which to explore all of London! Yahooo! And P.S. Made it back from Amsterdam safely... alive & breathing, though barely standing. Ready for a sleeping marathon complete with fuzzy blankets, DVDs gone missing during the school year, & steaming hot chocolate. MMMmmmmmmmmmmm...life is good.

Beck - Where It's At (who knew he was so funny?)



Thalia said...

Ohhh Maria!!! Enjoy your travels and have a very HAPPY break!


Anonymous said...

So this must be why i have not gotten any messages from you.;) j/k Now that is a list of relaxation that need to do when i go home in a couple of days as well. I hope you had an amazing time in Amsterdam. I need some details