
First Times

Being, as it is, my first time aboard Cyberspace, I'll keep things short. ...But sweet, as first times should always be so.

I've finally submitted to the frenzy and created my own blogspot. But, alas, will this be more interesting to manage than MySpace? Surely, my (more often than not) short-lived attention span will answer the question, and probably sooner than later.

Why have I created this page? I'll tell you.

Reason #1. MySpace blows.
Reason #2. As a distraction from my studies, & to make my time more multifaceted.
Reason #3. To share, with YOU, my thoughts, discoveries, ideas, experiences, pictures, & favorites (be they music books films art websites people jokes........ etc etC ETC). :0)

Ok, enough jabber. I promise to keep things interesting. (That might turn out to be a lie.)

Having said that, here's something cool I found just yesterday: Malinowski's Music Animation Machine. The link came from a webpage about synesthesia; a music-color synesthete was trying to relate what "seeing music" is like, despite the fact that (for more than the obvious reasons) the experience seems to be ineffable. (And if you, at the very least, appreciate the idea behind the clips, then google ANIMUSIC for a more modern version of computer animated music.)

I'll leave you with
Leonard Cohen - "Famous Blue Raincoat" - Germany 1979.


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