
When the Wind Blows

As for the aura encompassing our humble abode during the last 10 days, only one thing is certain: that the chain of events having seized the inhabitants of Flat 2 (and sparing no trespassers) and their resultant effects in the hearts of all involved parties are describable only by a single term - ineffable.  (Please, allow yourself the freedom to click on the previous link & check out a whole list of ineffable things, according to Wikipedia.  And if you're really intrigued by the idea of "pre-Big Bang," "multiple dimensions," and the like, then - by all means - do yourself the courtesy of familiarizing yourself with Australian David Tow & his "Theories of Everything" - & most preferably on a night when you're already freaked out.)  

But if a general idea is to be given (regarding the nature of the last 10 days), then the following definitions will suffice:

Murphy's Law
: Things will go wrong in any situation, given the chance.
Finagle's Law: (Murphy's corollary) Anything that can go wrong, will - and at the worst possible moment. (This one apparently is a favorite among hackers because of its allusion to the Second Law of Thermodynamics - Entropy - which states that the perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum.)

Happy Valentines Day!  
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
-ee cummings

Matt Damon - My Funny Valentine


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